I was unsuccessfully looking for a VO interface to the Chandra Source Archive in the various VO registries when I found this catalog with the VO Desktop software. I was curious: 6 band photometry; the three UV bands lie within the GALEX NUV. So a little simplisitic messing around to make the plot above is captured as a recipe for UV goodness with the SUSS:
- Downloaded entire FITS table (750k sources) from within VO Desktop.
- Loaded into TOPCAT. Created color (U-B, etc) columns.
- Plot is the UV color (189nm - 268nm) as a function of B-V (nearly Johnson; from the XMM-OM). Nice pair of probably luminosity class sequences.
- Plot symbols are rendered using the magnitude errors in the UV bands as auxilliary axis. The symbols become more transparent the larger their errors. Sources with magnitude errors > 0.25 mag are effectively rendered invisible.